Wow, this last week has been absolutely awesome! The sector is progressing so, so, so much and really it's just on such a good note right now. But yesterday, I received the call! I'm getting transferred! I will be going to a place called Villarrica! It's about 3 hours north of where I am now. It's the most northern part of the mission! So I guess it comes out to being in Punta Arenas for the first winter and Villarrica for the last winter in the mission field. I'm hoping it will be pretty warm up there because I'm not liking this cold as of right now! I am actually super sad to go now, because my companion is super cool. Also we are just tearing it up right now. Not only that, but we have somebody who is going to get baptized this upcoming week. He is super, super cool and now I won't be here for his baptism!
The coolest thing that has happened over these last two transfers that I have had here, is that one day the zone leaders and all the district leaders got together and we talked about what we needed to do to start having success and to start baptizing. We talked about a bunch of things and we narrowed it down to just simply planning. Just like it says in our planners. Which probably sounds like the most ridiculous thing in the world. But that's really where everyone was faulting. And nobody in the mission was doing it. So we started to put it in to practice as leaders. And we started to see some results. So then we taught it to our districts and did some verification and really made sure that they were doing it as well. And it started to work for them also. Then, suddenly all the numbers shot up. The attitude of the my district personally, was completely different. Then all of the sudden the baptisms more than doubled and the church attendance increased. But mostly, the faith of every missionary was incredible!
The biggest thing that I learned was that... EVERYTHING starts with the basics and that you will never achieve anything if you don't plan!
As I was preparing for my district meeting in which we were going to talk about planning. I remembered a very valuable lesson that Brother Driggs taught when he was my Sunday School teacher. I remembered I Nephi chapter 3 and 4 and I applied it to planning!
We read of three situations in which Nephi and his brothers try to obtain the plates.
The first atempt being them NOT PLANNING, simply casting lots to see who should go to and try to obtain the plates. The results... they failed.
Then we read about the second time, that they actually did make plans. They made a plan to have success and they put it in to play. The results... they failed again.
Then we read of the third attempt. Nephi, being humbled consulted the Lord, had a plan, was guided by the spirit and did as the Lord told him. The results... they obtained the plates.
I learned that in the mission we can plan everyday. We can even plan very good everyday. But if we never plan anything in our lives with the Lord, or if we try to do anything that we think will be better than the way of the Lord. It is better not to plan at all. Because in the end the results are the same. they both fail. BUT, when we do plan with the Lord, and we do the things the way he has told us to do it we have... SUCCESS!!!!
I am so greatful for the last transfer that I had here because had I not been here I would have never learned such a valuable life lesson!